Emanuel School’s Year 1 students recently transformed their classrooms into a museum, displaying ‘artefacts’ from years gone by. Showcasing what they had learnt in their History unit of Technology in Family Life: Now and Then, the students enthusiastically collected items from their families, dating back to the 20th century. From dial-up telephones to clunky computers, typewriters to record players, the students were delighted with their discoveries. Attics, grandparents’ cabinets and deep cupboards housed treasure troves, ready to be found. After studying their historical finds, the students then created videos about them to make the displays interactive.
Parents and grandparents, as well as Years K and 2 students, enjoyed the displays and had the opportunity to find out more about life two decades ago. The Year 1 students also presented a ‘Me Box’ consisting of precious objects relating to their personal histories. Visitors were also able to view a video each of the students made on their iPads about the history of household technology.
Tali, one of the Year 1 historians, was excited to share the morning with her family: “I loved having my mum there because she gave me a hug and watched my video about artefacts.
Andrew Watt, Principal, said: “I was so impressed by the students’ enthusiasm and deep knowledge of the items on display. They put a lot of effort into this unit of study and were very excited to share what they had learnt. I want to acknowledge the exceptional teachers who worked so hard with the students to bring the Museum to life.”