
A rich musical culture pervades Emanuel School. We endeavour to assist all students to develop their musical talent and love of music.


All students study Music from Pre-school through to Year 8. In Years 9-12 it is an elective subject, and at HSC level all Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (NESA) Music courses are offered, including Music 1, Music 2 and Music Extension.

The Music Department is led by a talented team of professionals, passionately committed to the development of musical talent, interest and enjoyment throughout the School.  These teachers are equally adept in the classroom and as conductors, and this dual role allows coherence and integration between the extra-curricular and curriculum music programs, ensuring that our students’ musical talent is recognised and nurtured inside and outside the classroom.

In addition to their weekly Music class, K-2 students can join the Infant Strings Program, learning the violin, viola or cello. In Years 3-6, all students participate in the Instrumental Program (IP), learning an orchestral musical instrument in small groups with professional instrument tutors. From Year K-12, private instrumental and singing lessons are available. These lessons are delivered by a team of visiting tutors and occur throughout the day on a rotating timetable.

Students have a huge range of performance opportunities with a diverse selection of extra-curricular instrumental ensembles, including five choirs, four concert bands, three string orchestras, two stage bands, two jazz ensembles, two guitar ensembles, two Klezmer ensembles and five rock bands. Students receiving private tuition can also perform solo in one of six twilight concerts during the year.

Approximately 185 students attend music camp each year. Concerts such as the Night of Instrumental Music, Night of Strings, Night of Song and Night of Rock and Jazz are highlights of the school calendar, as well as the annual K-12 Music Competition for performers and composers, regular more intimate soirees and twilight concerts that are held throughout the year.

Musical productions provide another focal point of the School’s vibrant music culture. Recent works include The Addams Family in the High School, and Finding Nemo Jr in the Primary School. For students with exceptional musical talent, extension activities are integrated into the curriculum, ensemble leadership roles are offered and music scholarships are also available.

Please enjoy this showreel of a selection of our talented students’ performances. 








Develop A Learning Partnership With A Peer

Mishnah Avot 1:6
קנה לך חבר - Ke-nei Lekha Chaver

Welcome from the Principal
