High School Wellbeing
The Wellbeing Programs for Emanuel High School students are based on the notions of positive psychology and personal fitness, entwined with the needs of students at various stages of their adolescent development..
Our aim is to provide each student with the tools to flourish as individuals and as part of our community. Our longer-term goal is for our graduates to have the skills to lead a happy, fulfilling and contributing life beyond school.
The Wellbeing Programs complement the academic support needed by students. Aspects of these program include:
- Academic Mentoring for each Year 12 student, provided one-on-one by a teacher once per fortnight
- Study Skills programs
- Mindfulness training
- Counselling and Coaching provisions
- Tutor Group programs
- Academic orientation for Year 7
While a range of avenues can be used to teach these programs including Tutor Group sessions, PDHPE lessons and in other subject areas such as Jewish Studies, Peer Support sessions and assemblies, the majority of the program is delivered in Tutor Groups.
Tutor Groups
Each student is placed in a Tutor Group for his/her House and Year group. The group usually stays together and with their Tutor (a teacher) throughout their High School education.
House Tutors and Executive staff members have created engaging Tutor Programs to assist students to learn about proactivity and decision-making, relationship building, resilience, study skills, positivity, anti-bullying practices and understanding oneself. The aim is for these proactive or preventative measures to assist students to make positive and responsible choices in their lives.
Expert Presenters
Expert external presenters are invited to the School each year to address students on specific topics. Examples such topics are:
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Safe partying
- Staying Safe
- Cybersafety
- Body image and empowering young women
- Growing good young men
- Motivation
Academic Mentors
In Year 12, each student is assigned an academic mentor, who works with them individually during the HSC year as a guide ‘on the side’ to help them achieve their very best. The mentor program includes an analysis of each student’s signature strengths and how best to use those strengths, as well as assistance with planning and stress management. Coaching is available to staff and students.
A qualified NLP life coach works with those who want to go from where they are to where they want to be. This process builds mental toughness by addressing challenges and developing confidence.
Mindfulness in Schools Program
We offer the ‘.b’ Mindfulness program to students, which introduces young people to the potential benefits of mindfulness in the safety of the school classroom. Taught by trained teachers, .b offers a toolkit of easy-to-use practices, which aim to introduce students to mindfulness in ways that they find helpful and enjoyable.
These areas of focus sit within the School’s broader frameworks of social and emotional learning, safeguarding, and wellbeing support. Research suggests that mindfulness and specific wellbeing programs may provide young people with a valuable life skill by supporting them to feel calmer and more fulfilled; to get on better with others; to concentrate and learn; to manage stress and anxiety; and to perform well in their learning.