School History

The Roth Segal B’Yachad Building opens on 19 November/6 Kislev 5784, providing a welcoming, technologically rich and inspiring learning environment for Years K, 5 and 6 students.
Following a successful Capital Appeal, Emanuel School embarks on an ambitious project to redevelop and expand an existing building to create a new centre of excellence and innovation. This exciting new purpose-built facility will double the existing internal teaching space, introduce a new and innovative Primary Imaginarium, and add significant collaboration areas for students. In addition to the capacious, light-filled three storey building, the outdoor space will be landscaped to provide a level playground for active play and a tiered courtyard for quiet contemplation and play, project-based learning and outdoor lessons.
New Principal, Andrew Watt, joins the School.
The Innovation Centre opens featuring 3 floors of flexible space, where students are encouraged to discover, innovate, take risks and think beyond the boundaries. It boasts an Imaginarium and Design Lab, interactive spaces dedicated to experimenting with ‘impossible’ ideas and discovering new ways of thinking, based on the Design Thinking model. The students have access to advanced technology including 3D printers, recording equipment and a Virtual Realty studio. The Food Lab features an industrial-grade kitchen for Hospitality students to experiment, cook and even cater for School functions.
The newly-refurbished Lynette Sandra Phillips Kindergarten, located in the old High School Art Block, provides children with light and airy, colourful learning spaces, with custom-made and themed furniture and décor. Originally the laundry facilities for the Little Sisters of the Poor in the 1930s, the heritage aspect of the building gives it character, the dedicated space enhancing learning opportunities for the Kindergarten students. Additional music practice and rehearsal rooms are completed adjacent to the Emanuel Fisher Music Centre, and a new deck is opened off the end of the basketball courts to create more leisure space for students.
The Kleinlehrer Family LINC Building is opened, with eight new classrooms for Years 1-4. The Millie Phillips Theatre offers exceptional performance space, while the Angles Leadership and Learning Centre provides open and flexible learning spaces, the Wellness Centre incorporating full gym facilities. The Sherman Art Precinct allows Primary and High School students to develop and showcase their creativity in the purpose-built Visual Arts space, with a wet area and kiln for pottery and sculpture in addition to Photographic and Digital Media and Information Software Technology classrooms.
Construction of the new Kleinlehrer Family LINC Building begins, with the aim of providing eight flexible classrooms, a Visual Arts Precinct, 200-seat tiered Performance Theatre, Wellness Centre, Leadership and Learning Centre, and substantial additional recreational space, including an undercover play area and landscaped gardens.
Emanuel School celebrates its 30th year and is granted its fourth Capital Appeal since inception by the NSW Jewish Communal Appeal. Through the generosity of the school and external communities, over $7.5 million is raised to fund a transformational new building, which will eventually replace both demountable buildings. Aron Kleinlehrer is once again the School’s major benefactor, providing a major donation to the Appeal.
The largest donation in the history of the School by long-standing benefactors Helen and Aron Kleinlehrer helps fund the construction of the new four-level Kleinlehrer Family Science Building. Also partially funded by a Federal Government grant, the new building is opened in March 2011 and contains a Primary School library, four state-of-the-art science laboratories, an additional classroom, as well as underground parking.
Anne Hastings, a respected leader in her field of Mathematics, and previously Deputy Principal at Kambala, Rose Bay, commences as Principal of Emanuel School. The renovation of the Wolanski Family Specialist Learning Centre is completed.
Dr Bruce Carter AM retires after eight outstanding years leading the School.
The Emanuel School Board develops and adopts a comprehensive and innovative business plan, with the aim of propelling the School into a new era of academic, cultural, social, communal and sporting excellence. The School continues to grow and flourish under the leadership of Dr Bruce Carter AM, with waiting lists in all intake years. This year marks the opening of the newly refurbished Aron Kleinlehrer Perfoming Arts Centre. An unprecedented donation from Mr Kleinlehrer allows the School to proceed with a much needed building program. This includes additional classrooms and the establishment of a scholarship fund for families in need of assistance.
Expansion of the Kornmehl Centre Emanuel Pre-school is commissioned, allowing an increase in student intake from 50 to 60 places, thereby ensuring enrolments for the entire School long-term.
Under the auspices of the NSW Jewish Communal Appeal, Emanuel School runs a highly successful Capital Appeal, which primarily aids in debt reduction and property development.
The Wolanski Family Specialist Learning Centre is established and the newly refurbished Hana Weisz Building opens as the Maria Tirabosco Library.
The Emanuel School Board adopts a new management strategy that revolutionises the direction taken by the School as a Jewish Community Day School and ensures its future amongst premier educational institutions in Australia. Dr Bruce Carter AM is appointed Principal and embarks on attracting a first-rate teaching staff and implementing innovative programs in such areas as Gifted and Talented education, laptop computers and Music.
The Kornmehl Centre Emanuel Pre-school is opened with an initial enrolment of 40 students. Heralded as the first Pre-school to Year 12 Progressive Jewish co-educational Day School in the world, Emanuel School’s enrolment comprises two classes in most years, from Pre-school to Year 12.
The Right Hon. R.J. Hawke PM, officially opens Emanuel School.
The School opens its doors on the Randwick site with 230 students from Years K-8 under founding President Edward Waxman OAM.
With significant financial assistance and personal support from Aron Kleinlehrer, together with communal generosity, Emanuel School purchases the present site at Randwick.
The School opens initially with 53 children from Years K-6, housed at Temple Emanuel Woollahra. Later, Years 3-7 are accommodated at an unused school in Watsons Bay on the grounds of Our Lady of the Sea.
The leadership of Temple Emanuel Woollahra recognises the need for a new Jewish Day School in Sydney for the broader community. Under the inspiration and leadership of Rabbi Brian Fox, together with the co-operation and support of other committed members of the Jewish community, Emanuel School is conceived. For a brief introduction to the School’s foundation from the initial meeting with Rabbi Fox, Dr David Cohen and Professor Sol Encel, recounted by Dr Cohen, click here. Dr Cohen was Associate Professor of Education at Macquarie University and spearheaded many innovative educational programs during his tenure from 1968-1990.