Primary School Student Representative Council (SRC)

The Student Representative Council (SRC) provides all students with a voice.


Ideas, suggestions and requests for changes to school practice can be made by the SRC. A major focus of the SRC is Tzedakah (working for justice), raising funds for, and awareness of, the disadvantaged.


Each Year 3-6 class selects two representatives to be part of the Primary SRC each semester. The SRC meets once a fortnight to discuss issues relevant to the Primary School. Two Primary teachers are responsible for running the meetings. This ‘hands-on’ approach allows staff to keep in close contact with student concerns. It is the duty of the SRC representatives to seek input from their class members and to report back following meetings.


Issues with which the SRC have been involved include: organising the Primary School talent show, recycling, collecting donations during charity drives, canteen lines, cleanliness of the toilets and bubblers, class sports and play equipment, safety in the play ground, and developing and implementing handball rules.





Educate A Child According To The Child’s Path

Proverbs 22:6
חנוך לנער על פי דרכו - Chanoch La Naar Al-Piy Darcho

Welcome from the Principal
