Committed to Reconciliation

May 27, 2022

After a long journey of exploration and preparation, Emanuel School has taken the significant step of submitting a Reconciliation Action Plan to Reconciliation Australia, as part of the Narragunnawali network.

Our vision is to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and perspectives and to recognise these as valuable and rich sources of learning. We are committed to building genuine, long-lasting relationships with local and wider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and to fostering a deep connection to the Land on which our school stands. Our vision is to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and languages meaningfully and authentically within our practice. To achieve this, we seek to equip our staff, students and wider school community with the confidence and understanding to do so, and nurture positive partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We aim to prepare our students to actively pursue reconciliation, thinking and acting with knowledge, understanding and respect. We have committed to a range of actions, to build respect, relationships and opportunities in the classroom, around the school and within the community.

We are proud of our achievements over recent years, including our strong links to the Jilkminggan community, the strengthening of recognition through our Year 9 Jewish Studies ‘Be the Change’ elective and our Year 11 Speaker series. ‘Putuwa’ was introduced on Instagram, which focused on learning and using Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander words, in order to deepen understanding of the culture. With the RAP in place, we look forward to our next steps.

All Of Israel Is Responsible For One Another

Talmud: Shvuot 39a
כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה - Kol Yisrael Arevim Ze B'ze

Welcome from the Principal
