Rosh HaShanah LaIlanot – The New Year of Trees

February 9, 2018

Our start of school was highlighted by the celebration of Tu BiShevat, also known as Rosh HaShanah LaIlanot – The New Year of Trees – and the ushering in of a new chapter in our school history with the welcoming of Andrew Watt, our new Principal.

From our Primary School, participating in engaging sedarim, led and sponsored by the Jewish National Fund, and planting seedlings, to our High School celebrations in Houses and a special tree planting ceremony, honouring our new Principal, it was a week of new beginnings infused with a spirit of hopefulness and positive excitement.

All Of Israel Is Responsible For One Another

Talmud: Shvuot 39a
כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה - Kol Yisrael Arevim Ze B'ze

Welcome from the Principal
